I want to explain some part of the story by drawing something in sand in front of people. Any ideas how to make this happen in UE4? Should I look into other programs and simply import the whole animation?
Cool idea!
EDIT: If you aren’t doing a normal map for it, you can just make the displacement and color maps for the sprite sheet in Photoshop.
It will be tricky and will involve a 3D modeling program. I would recommend using a displacement map sprite sheet in FlipBook and plugging it into your World Displacement slot. You’ll also have to use the same process for the color map, and if you want an even higher level of detail, for the normal map as well.
Essentially you would set up each frame in your program, and export these snapshots into the various sprite sheets.
Here is some info on FlipBook:
And here is some info on using displacement maps in UE4:
A more simple solution does not come to mind. You could try using morph targets but it likely take the same amount of work, again, because you are wanting it to appear to be written (and, again, very cool idea!).
Thanks a lot for the pointers! Sounds tricky I will try to figure it out somehow.
Np! Go ahead and remark my answer as resolved so others can find it if they need to.