Hello, im trying to make the Survivor Movement from Dead by Daylight, but i dont know how to do it, if somebody has a idea please tell me.
(this movement: This is what Mastered Movement looks like | Dead by Daylight - YouTube)
From the looks of it, the camera is focused on a center point, and the character is always a constant distance from that center point (Meaning the places the character can be is a circle around that point). The character seems to almost instantly snap to that location, and that location seems to be decided by which direction the player is moving.
Honestly you might be able to make a really crude version of this just by moving the player mesh forward inside the ThirdPersonCharacter template.
I dont really understand, and besides there is not any node/code to move the mesh around (well i dont find it lol)
Study the Advanced Locomotion Plugin. Animation logic is not a simple thing.
Here’s how to do it:
First, go to your third person character.
Second, click on mesh, and move the character forward on the X axis (In here I’ve moved it to 55.0)
Third, click on character movement and find Rotation Rate, and change the Z value (I’ve changed it to 700)
Then this will have a similar looking aesthetic to dead by daylight. You’ll likely want to play around with the X value and Rotation rate to find something nice- I just did this real quick.
This also doesn’t account for collision, so stuff like this can happen
but it’s a start, and can be mitigated with a low X value in the characters rotation
btw how can i make the spinning thing when u press w+a+s+d like it spins around the middle (in the vid) i treid something with impuilse and all but that broke everything
Do you mean it actually spins when you press the four movement keys? It just looks like they’re pressing w, letting go of w, pressing a, letting go of a, pressing s… etc really fast. As of now, you can already do that.
spinning when u press the key, its like a little force
I’m sorry, but could you elaborate? I haven’t played the game myself.