How to display a mesh through another mesh, like an x-ray?

Hi! I’m trying to achieve this effect, but I don’t know exactly how.

I tried with a translucent material with Disable Depth Test enabled but it will also be visible through any mesh.

Hey there @WDRK23! You could use custom depth stencils, and the only object not occluding it being the character mesh, sort of an inverse of this thread here:

Would that work for your use case?

hmm, do I really need to make the material for the post process?
I don t really know my way around materials that well!

The stencil is probably the best way to go about this unless you just want to make the mesh itself lose opacity where the injuries are.

if you pause the video and frame by frame some of the intersections you will see it’s using the same technique. disabled depth test. so… in your case just make sure no mesh is in front or use another technique.