For the DOF you need to have the following console command ‘r.DepthOfFieldQuality 0’ this will prevent the DOF from doing anything, put it in an ini file if you want it to become your project’s default.
For reflections that is a bit harder, there is no flag to turn it off, instead it will go through the following checklist to see if it needs to apply it.
Is there a Skylight
You have the engine showflag Reflection Environment checked AND you have LPV enabled
You have SSR enabled
You have Planar reflections
You have any Reflection Captures
If you have any of the above, it will do the ReflectionApply pass.
Thanks for the information , for DOF i executed ‘r.DepthOfFieldQuality 0’ but didn’t work BokehDOF is still 0.49 ms
As for Reflection you are right once i deleted Skylight (which i have in my scene ) reflection gone from my stat unit , is there are a way to keep Skylight and minimize reflection ? as i am not using any reflection in my scene or this is how skyligt work and reflection is part of the lighting .
Ah, my bad, that will only disable DOF if you are using it in post-process. What you are seeing is the Separate Translucency pass, its named as DOF because it is always done directly after the DOF passes. If you dont mind about separate translucency you can disable it in the project settings.
For the skylight, as its a type of reflection capture itself you need to change it’s Source Type, change it to SLS Specified Cubemap, you dont need to provide it a cubemap, this for if you want to use an IBL. Otherwise leave it blank and as long as the above is still true (apart from 1.) then the ReflectionsApply pass should go away.
EDIT: I should probably point out that this kind of removes the purpose of the SkyLight, as it uses it’s scene capture/IBL to provide ambient light to a scene, so if you do this, you will not see any benefit from the SkyLight.
i have below scene , its foliage with Translucency leaves , and i use post process to change the scene color , if i disable Separate Translucency will i get a vitual change in my scene ? and what is this Separate Translucency about ? i can’t find any doc about it .