I use GetController()->SetIgnoreMoveInput and GetController()->SetIgnoreLookInput in my character class to disable movement and rotation. It works fine for player controller, but it seems to have no effect on AI’s MoveTo and SetFocus functions.
Is there a correct way to achieve this for AI in character/controller classes without touching the behavior tree?
Maybe I need to do something in the MovementComponent in the character class?
Yes, I have
But It actualy switches movement mode instead of just disabling it and it doesn’t fit my project well. Also It doesn’t disable rotation (probably setting UseControllerRotation to false will be enough for AI)
I have come to the decision that the best solution is still will be modifying behaviors trees
I have added decorators that check for IsMoveInputIgnored and IsLookInputIgnored on MoveTo and SetFocus tasks. The built-in functionality is also able to abort these tasks by decorators