How to disable camera from rotating with the character?

I tried a lot of different nodes for rotation but nothing really helps

Ah, well, that’s what causing the problem. Take the actor rotation node off

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Wait wait, But my cube is supposed to rotate in jump XD

Cube should be rotating in air but not the camera, that’s my problem))

So rotate the cube, not the whole actor :slight_smile:



Yes!!! now it’s working! Thank you very very much.

Ha! — :smiley:

hello. I have a character, not a cube and it doesn’t take me. how did you do it?

It’s a whole different thing with a character. Best to make a new post :slight_smile:

Set the rotation in the spring arm to absolute instead of rotation
Capture d’écran (54)


Oh my god man THANK YOU. I’ve been searching for this fix for so long. In my case, I am making a 3rd person game simular to minecraft dungeons. I used the orient rotation option but that rotated the camera as well resulting into some glitchy behaviour. Thank you for this fix!!

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Could you help me or if you want I can send you my project and you charge me for the work

Disable " Use Pawn Control Rotation "

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I thought This is a game idea :sweat_smile:

If this helps anyone else there is also the following options in the Character Movement component:
Use Controller Desired Rotation
Orient Rotation to Movement

My issue was getting the mesh to rotate with my camera (third person template → true first person game) and unchecking Orient Rotation to Movement and checking Use Controller Desired Rotation worked for me.