Hello friends, I am looking for information on how to develop applications in augmented reality in unreal engine, I am currently dedicated to the development of VR in unreal and everything is perfect, but I need to focus on AR now, this is why I want to know how this develops , seeing in the documentation of unreal there is no complete information.
I want to develop this application:
What should I buy to develop AR ?, how is the process of working in unreal to have AR ?, I do not speak English, only Spanish. But there is no problem in that sense.
UE4 supports both ARCore (Android devices) and ARKit (iOS devices) for developing AR applications.
First of all, you should buy a device that supports those technologies.
Android devices: ARCore supported devices | Google Developers
iOS devices: iOS 11 ARKit Compatibility For Apps: Check If Your Device Is Compatible With Apple's AR Platform | Redmond Pie
4.19 and 4.20 versions of UE4 come with Handheld AR blueprint template, which is a good place to start learning how to develop your AR apps.
I would recommend devloping in ARCore unless you have the money to spend on a Mac ontop of an ARkit compatible iPhone. You can’t test iOS apps without compiling on Mac OS.
For ARCore development, be sure to checkout our developer website: ARCore SDK for Unreal Engine | Google for Developers