How to determine if trace has a hit of any kind?

I’m switching between SweepSingleByChannel and LineTraceSingleByChannel depending on if my projectile pierces or not, but I need to be able to call a function when either of these have a blocking or overlap event. It seams like I should just be checking the return value, but SweepSingleByChannel documentation states it only returns blocking hits. So just want some clarification here (and please Unreal… improve your documentation… please). For multi-traces I’ve just been checking the hit result number and that works great.

Switched exclusively to SweepSingleByChannel since line traces don’t report overlaps at all, but still can’t get it to report overlap OR blocking hit. I’ve tried the following, which doesn’t work.

if ( TraceHitResult.bBlockingHit || TraceHitResult.GetComponent() || TraceHitResult.GetActor() ) {
	StateCollision( TraceHitResult );

Just went with multi-sweep and ignore all the other overlaps. SweepSingleByChannel doesn’t seam to report overlaps either.