How to detect if a client quits by Oculus menu Quit (Quest 1-2)

I have a problem with detecting from dedicated server side if a player quits the game running on Oculus Quest 1 or 2, by using the Oculus menu Quit button, because in that case the app is interrupted, and no message can be sent to the server.
The player cannot be kicked out if the connection is not active, because might be also in the Guardian menu, and should be allowed to return and continue the multiplayer session for at least 60 sec, according to the Oculus VRC.
Approx the same case, when HMD is put off, luckily in that case a message can be sent to the server, so we know we should wait…
Thanks if you have any solution.

Did you find a solution to this?

not really, just a workaround to ping from the server the client player controller in approx. every 5 seconds by a reliable RPC, and wait for response, and remove if no response for a while