Im trying to create an AI using the AIPerception Component and everything is working fine but the AISenseConfig_Sight
ive added #include "Perception/AISenseConfig_Sight.h"
and then when i go to create the pointer using UAISenseConfig_Sight* SightConfig
it says UAISenseConfig_Sight is undefined.
Hey everette1695-
It sounds like you’re declaring the pointer properly. What class are you attempting to define the perception component in? Are you also adding an include statement for AIPerceptionComponent.h when using the variable in your source file? Here is a link to a similar question where the answer explains setting up an AI Sight perception in an AIController class: UAIPerception OnPerceptionUpdated not working - AI - Epic Developer Community Forums
Ok i figured it out using that post you linked (Thank You) now im trying to determine if im in sight or not and i have no idea how to go about this.