How to custom name a spawned Actor through Python API ?

I am using the Python API to spawn the actors to the world. I am using a code similar to the below mentioned. It is working and now i want to improvise a little. I need a way to custom name the spawned actor in the editor, so that i can edit it easily. Now when i spawn mutliple actors, the naming goes like Actor_01, Actor_02 etc. Anyway to custom name the actors ?

def assetspawn(translatex, translatey, translatez, rotatex, rotatey, rotatez, scalex, scaley, scalez):
AssetPath = ‘/Game/GameMiddles/Base/SM_Base_B_OUT’

actor = unreal.load_asset(AssetPath)

actor_translate = unreal.Vector(translatex, translatey, translatez)
actor_rotate = unreal.Rotator(rotatex, rotatey, rotatez)
actor_scale = unreal.Vector(scalex, scaley, scalez)

actor_before_scale = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.spawn_actor_from_object(actor, 
actor_translate, actor_rotate)

Incase anyone else ventures here, I found out how to do this. Once you’ve called

new_actor = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.spawn_actor_from_object(actor, 
actor_translate, actor_rotate)

Simply add
