Hello I am a student majoring in art in Korea. In this exhibition, we are going to produce space contents using VR, in Unreal.
So at first I started watching YouTube. But there were only material-oriented tutorials. <Link>. As you can see here, I would like to express a scene where the atmosphere and strata of the planet become more and more subdivided as the camera approaches. Below I'll give you a link to the scene of the effects I need.
Link1 : OpenGL Real-Time Procedural Planet Rendering - YouTube
Link2 : Star Citizen: Procedural Planets v2 (Official) - YouTube << This is So amaizing!! I really want to make this scene!
Link3 : Star Citizen Citizencon 2016 Planet Editor Demo - YouTube
It seems that the function called "LOD" is entering here. So I used terrain material and tried to express it, but it was expressed as if strata break down and was giving up. How can we express the planet more effectively?
The functions I thought I needed are: A spherical landscape implementation, an atmosphere on one actor, and a camera composition and high quality materials.
I think it would be possible to have expressions in the link like this, right?
I need the advice of experts now. And if not, I'd like to buy assets, but if you have good materials in the marketplace, I'd recommend you.
p.s The video attached to the file is a representation of the planets and the universe as material.
As you work with material, if you zoom in this way, the image will be broken and you will not get the scene you want. Thank you for your help!
I can not upload the video file I was working on, so I will be linking.
Link :