Using Spacescape exporting to *.dds (settings set to unreal, also tried unity)
Spacescape export to 6 png images using Photoshop/NVIDIA plugin.
Same but with the ATI tool
Downloaded an image from NASA and tried to cubemap it [using this][1]. (The second picture)
converted to [this][2]. Also I forgot to rotate the images first, fixed it, didn’t help.
And this is my problem: (Resolution is not perfect but it can be fixed easily)
When exporting choose Source as the option; Exported from SpaceScape as Unreal causes the defect you have there. Personally I export as one DDS file from SpaceScape. Also in your imported skybox file in the Unreal Editor make sure SRGB is checked and the Compression Settings are set to UserInterface2D (RGBA). MipGenSettings should be set to NoMipMaps and Texture Group to Skybox. There is a great video on how to do this here Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial: Space Skybox Creation - YouTube. Hope this helps.