How to create realistic mirrors?

Hey, I’ve been trying to create a realistic mirror, eather by using materials, BP or both at the same time but to no avail. I really, really need relistic mirrors that can reflect images off perfectly. Is there a magic way I couldn’t find yet or maybe in the true version of 4.7 there will be this kind of thing? Can someone please help me?? Ps: I saw some work with udk and it worked so fine there, why isn’t this feature in ue4? Thanks for the help! there you go :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot man but what I want can’t be done I think, I want to reflect dynamic objects and change up the scene. Any ideia if the developers are working on it? Ps: I was able to make one but the processing is too high, and my fps drop more than 50%

Yea at the moment it doesnt capture all aspects of the scene.
You might want to wait for a reply from erik or another epic official but I havent seen anything on the Trello board about this.

Thanks man! Have a good week!

You could try a 1 metallic, 0 roughness surface with a box reflection capture

I did, it’s the best option I found, but I gotta upgrade my computer to run it optimally, I need it to run at about 70fps and right now if I do it it drops to around 30

Maybe I misunderstood I tried the 2d scenecapture the box option one. Example 1.6 from the contentex. I tried the box reflection capture, but it doesn’t capture anything near it, only the background hahaha

I know this is an old thread, but in case you are here as a result of an internet search then I have good news. It is now possible to have a realistic mirror in Unreal Engine 4.12+ using PlanarReflection.

To add on to the answers, if you are not worried about performance then there is an even better way to do this: by using texture render targets.

Concept: Have a camera (in this case a Scene Capture 2D–Click Me) “acting” as a mirror, basically record from the mirrors point of view. The camera then renders the world onto a texture render target. This texture is hooked up to a material which is then applied to the surface of the Mirror (the mesh). Make sure that you have a proper uv for the mirror so that the texture does not get distorted.

You can then add effects to the material to make it look more like a mirror so that it has some imperfections etc.

I noticed that there is not much documentation regarding this, if anyone need more help I’m happy to help further.


Thank you AlfornoOne