I created an explosion using cascade particles but it is very basic and doesn’t look that realistic (It’s something like starter content explosion) but I wanna know how to create realistic explosion in unreal engine. I saw infiltrator breakdown but as I use blender I couldn’t find a way to render smoke stimulation on planes (If you know how to render it then please post below) but anyway do you guys have any Idea to create realistic explosions?
Thanks in advance.
Creating realistic explosions usually revolves around running fluid simulation in your content creation package, and baking results to a flipbook texture.
You can do that in unreal too, but that is more advanced. You can start off here.
What about this: I created a realistic explosion in blender using smoke stimulation and what about rendering it out as png images (with 16 bit transparent background) per frame from orthographic view and using those images as flip book texture.
Hey man do you know more about how you did this ? It would be of great help