This is wood block with end grain and long grain.
Need advice to create procedural wood in order to simulate this kind of real wood.
By the way, If we have this kind of material in market, please recommend to me.
This is wood block with end grain and long grain.
By the way, If we have this kind of material in market, please recommend to me.
I’ve seen some pretty fancy material tutorials on YouTube that demonstrate some very complex materials if you just search around for similarly created materials, but I find that the shader complexity is just to great for rendering efficiently, unless its not a very dynamic environment.
Not to deter you away from doing so, but a rectangle is a pretty easy mesh to create a material for in a free program like blender… Its just a rectangle with a UV map with a single texture. You’ll also need a normal map if you want texture on it, but those aren’t simple to create unless you use photoshop with 3d capabilities. With the Unreal Engine license, you have access to Megascans and I’m sure they have the wood textures you’re looking for.
I google, search youtube and marketplace however there’re procedural wood material. It’s not easy as you thought. Real wood cutting will consist of wood ring and long grain. I bought a kind of procedural wood in substance painter. Look good but It will make my workflow more complex when I need to go through Substance Painter.
I need advice to make procedural wood in UE, I could apply material in UE DIRECTLY.