Hello Episodex
Here is your solution. Select all actors you want do this setting under physics panel. Just uncheck it and hit simulate or play in viewport.
Hello Episodex
Here is your solution. Select all actors you want do this setting under physics panel. Just uncheck it and hit simulate or play in viewport.
I’d like to create boxes that behave like plastic cubes. If you stand several hard plastic cubes on each other they will not move, like concrete bricks for example. But if I create them in UE4 and apply physics they are bouncy like jelly. I tried various physical material settings, with different friction, density etc. But they are always bouncy instead of standing still. I need physics because I need them to react to impacts.
This is how it looks like when I stack boxes in FPP template in UE4:
Is it possible to set up box to just stand completely still until being hit by something? What settings should I use? In real scenario I need to spawn the boxes dynamically in BP (I already did this, but after spawning they are like jelly…).
Thanks, this kind of solves the problem but only after they are waken by first collision :). Then all boxes are again jelly-like. Maybe that’s how collision in UE4 is done and it will just be like this…