How to create firing area for ai using EQS?

As a level designer and a developer, I recently needed a tool to assign some location information to AI, such as using a box to tell AI that you should stay in this area.

I also imagined that this area has several priorities. For example, we divide it into ABC according to the priority from high to low.

We use the lowest priority C to set a basic “battlefield”.
For example, we have multiple sentinels, and each sentinel will have a large area with priority C.
We use a large box to represent it. In this way, monsters belonging to sentinel 1 only need to consider the position of sentinel 1.

In the area with priority C, there are several areas with priority B.
We can assign different areas to different AIs, or multiple, and so on.
There are also areas with priority B The area with priority A can also contain multiple

I imagine that we can use the EQS system to deal with it. The scores for the area covered by different boxes are different, but I don’t know how to deal with this problem. Can someone help me?

Hi. May be my solution is little outdate. But for next generations, i want to make reply.

So, your question can be devided to two parts: find some area and make some rules to navigate in this area.

So. First part can be resolved by custom Services in Behaviour Tree. By some perception sense NPC can scan level to search areas by custom rules(for example sort objectives by priority).

Second part, when area was choosen, you need to generate some NPC navigation. You can use EQS system. For this, you need to generate points in this area, by using custom EQS context, then you can filter generated poins by using EQS test named Overlap. I had same question and make it resolve by myself, what printed in another topic: AI moving in specific area. .