AI moving in specific area.

I has some shooter game with player and some bots. Im working on new game modes. For now i’m trying to replicate Domination from CoD.
Here is the deal:
I have some objectives wich can be captured by different teams. It represents by some mesh, and some c++ logic, which is tied to collision overlapping.
Now im stuck with AI navigation. I want to make some mechanism to make AI working by next pattern:

  1. Choos objective.
  2. Move in objective.
  3. Capturing objective but with ability to moving in objective area(Moving in some mesh in this case).

So. I made some research in google and found AreaClass and NavModifire but can’t come up with solution with this by myself.

In usuming fact, that nobody replay to my question and that im pretty smart kid, i’ll present my own solution.

To resolve my proleblem, in presented context, useg of EQS makes all stuff. To sort points, at wich NPC need to move and can not, i used Overlap test. Quick look to how it works.

When EQS generates points by setuped pattern, in overlap test each point get collision(capsule, sphere or box, your pick) and gets overlap channel (your pick too). Then, depends on you settings, if this channel hits or overlaps actor collisions, points gets 1 or 0 weight.

In my case(on picture), all points, wich overlap channel hits objective actors collision, get 1, others 0. Then, in behaviour tree, based on my custom logic, NPC gets some of the “green” points and move to this location.

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