I am trying to create a progress bar like this one that you can change via Verse. I only found tutorials using the Cinematic Sequencer. Is there another way?
There doesn’t seem like there are any good options. The best hack I can think of is to use the Shield bar as a stand in for now. At least, it looks good and you can easily access its values. Perhaps there is a way to place a Button or message above it that says “Progress Bar” or something like that.
This one is from the YT Tycoon and it is a perfect progress bar in the center of the screen with a cool animation.
Thank you for your help but I this is not the result that I am looking for. If I find it I will update the thread
In your screenshot, the “empty state” of the bar seems to be a fixed color.
To achieve a similar result from Verse, you can draw a texture_block for the filled progress bar then use a color_block (overlayed on top, aligned from right) whose size you update (SetDesiredSize, or remove and re-add the widget, but the former is more efficient) to match the “unfilled” progress. Note that you could also use two textures with the filled state being the one whose size update, but it may have some ratios weirdness.
For more complicated scenarios you can create UIs using Post Process Volumes and materials but it is a lot more complex, and it doesn’t seem like you would need to go this far.