how to create a Silhouette lightning situation


I am fairly new in unreal and am working on lightening my scene.
My question: what is a method or workflow to gain a Silhouette lightning situation.
My level is a canyon. Some foreground and then rocks along a river. (I am not going to move around the level - it is just one fixed view).

While randomly trying out (activating, deactivating default skylight and so on) I had something like it for a moment (see last image). Nevertheless, I don’t know how to reproduce it.

The challenge is also: I don’t want a bright sky (black or no sky).

Any hints to point me into the right direction are highly appreciated :slight_smile:

you gotta use athmospheric fog and control the distance. or sky athmosphere in ue5. not sure how exactly, atm. (can’t open the engine atm, compiling 5.3)