How to create a guide mask?

I gona to create a guide mask UI. And I found a guidemask project form github which is in Unity.GitHub - asyncrun/GuideMask: Unity 新手引导 But I know little about Unity. Many classes used in there are not found the similar in Unreal.Any advice for me to create a guide mask are percious.


make a UI material and make a box mask with desired inputs .then use lerp node and set everything outside box to be darker. apply ui material to a fullscreen retainerbox inside a widget.

Also know little about UI material.But Ty.I’ll try

we do not have guide masks but you can make buttons and other things that will act the same way you can use materials sprites and png images as your visuals for the ui elements i recomend studying umg its very powerful

“we do not have guide masks” sounds sad.But use png image may cost a lot.

Someone suggests me to get widget’s location and size to make UV and make reverse mask material.

boxmask 2d can’t use in UI Material.

Have you solved it? How to solve it?