So, since our last mesages I managed to fix and update a few of the forementioned issues.
The weird shading behind the transparent plane was due to a setting in the transparent raytrace settings.
I managed to get the plane with the circle mask texture to face the camera at all times.
Now I would like to implement the “FocusPoint” blueprint that I created, and add it to the Car Blueprint. Is that a thing? I tried, and it sort of worked, but I got the following error:
'/Game/Levels/UEDPIE_0_MainStudio.MainStudio:PersistentLevel.AI_McLaren_C_1.BP_FocusPoint_V3' is not static (in blueprint "AI_McLaren"), cannot attach '/Game/Levels/UEDPIE_0_MainStudio.MainStudio:PersistentLevel.BP_FocusPoint_V2_GEN_VARIABLE_BP_FocusPoint_V2_C_CAT_95.DefaultSceneRoot' which is static to it. Aborting.
The Icons/widgets were nowhere to be seen. If I change the mode of the icons to “static”, the error dissapears, but then the icons are stuck in space, where the car starts from.
I want to use these buttons in the car blueprint to open and close the doors.
What do you suggest I do? whats the best solution here?
Weirdly enough the icons are currently displaying way off. Within the blueprint I have one of the icons on the door, the other on the wheel. The Lights that I added to the interior of the car are placed corretly and also follow along with the car when it drives into frame.
I’m also having trouble getting the car to stop at the correct position. At the moment I’m driving it along a path, and manually setting when it uses throttle and brakes. Is it possible to tell it “when at end of nurbs curve, use brakes”? If so, how?