Editor UI - FPS/Mem/Objs count not correct?

I have a print that creates a grid of cubes in its construction script, that fill a user controlled bounding volume.

clicking and dragging vector handle resizes bounds and cubes are created accordingly.

However, I noticed that objs count and memory usage just keep climbing as construction script runs each time i move and tweak blueprint in viewport. i may only have 2 or 3 cubes created at any one moment by blueprint, yet objs count might display 100,000s of objects existing for given editor session.

This doesn’t seem to be behavior I would expect to see, I only have 5 or so objects in my scene editor for given level, not 100,000’s.


Hi sandmeister,

Objects referred to are Unreal Objects, which include total c++ or blueprint uobject instance count. There are a lot of these loaded or created by various systems at startup. For example a game project may load a bunch of static mesh objects at startup when project loads. However a uobject doesn’t always have a physical presence in a world, and most of time they do not. An empty project will start with over 30k uobjects.

You can get an itemized list of active object type counts by typing in “obj list” into console. That should help identify where massive amount of objects are coming from.

Hope that helps!