When my projectile class collides with an object, I want to be able to spawn a decal which if facing the correct way. I have implemented the Hit event, but I have no idea how to get the rotation in which I should spawn the decal.
UGameplayStatics::SpawnDecalAttached(Decal, FVector(5.f, 5.f, 5.f), OtherComp, NAME_None, Hit.ImpactPoint, <WHAT DO I PUT HERE FOR ROTATION>);
the OnHit event is not firing for me…
It’s only firing when i activate “Simulate Physics” but then the Projectile Movement Component stops working. Any idea?
Since you say that the Simulate Physics option isn’t normally on, can I assume that these projectiles do not drop over a distance? If so, it may be easier to do the actual hit on a line trace rather than the projectile itself. This should allow you to use the function suggested as well.