How to convert a parent structure to a child structure?

I have a structure B inherited from structure A, I want to make them convert to each other in the blueprint, I implemented the conversion from child structure to parent structure, it’s simple, but I don’t know how to convert from parent to child structure, as far as I know, declaring it as a pointer might be ok, but the UE doesn’t allow to add pointers to structures used in blueprints, what should I do?
I need to use a function exposed to the blueprint to do the conversion, I tried references but he crashes at the parent rotor class, it seems that the conversion fails, I think it might be the address, does anyone know the details of why?

Translated with DeepL

Use the “Cast To structure B” node if you’re using UObjects.

If you’re using USTRUCT, you’re not supposed to use them that way in Unreal Engine. If you really wanted to, you could add a virtual destructor to A and then use dynamic_cast< > in a C++ function exposed to your blueprint. Not sure if this would work when passed back to a blueprint though.