How to convert a Enum from a struct to a random int.32 number?

Hello. For the last couple days I’ve been trying to figure this out and chances are I wasted my weekend; but I do hope I did something right.

For some context, I am working on (yet again) an overly ambitious project. As such, I wanted to use the knowledge that I’ve learnt over the years and try to make something out of it: a procedural-generated voxel space (semi)simulation. I have tried more methods of doing this than I can count, yet can’t figure it out.

What I am trying to do is take an Struct - inside the struct is an Enum - and inside the Enum are several values/definite strings (In particular, star type ranging from kelvin intensity) I am trying to do a simple debug of printing what random number is rolled as that would depict the color of the sun for the given solar system; (and from there do the same with the degrees but more rigid values) but it requires converting the Enum to int32 which isn’t difficult, or so I thought.

I had used Voxelplugin pro for this as well, but keeping track of the amount of times it crashed became nauseating; also corrupting some .ini files so this is the second time around I’m trying to do this

Help much appreciated

A seperate thing I tried to do; because it was made in the world bp the print string worked, but very awfully

Also tried converting the Type(enum) to an int but that didn’t do anything