How to connect to a database using the remotedatabasesupport plugin?

First I want to say that I am so appreciated that if anyone can tell me the right solution. And It is my pleasure if we can solve the problem together.
I’m looking for a job in programming by using the Unreal Engine. And I think that if I can connect the engine with the database for example MySQL, the companies would be more willing to hire me.

So, I have spent days trying to do this. Fail and fail again.
Maybe I’m starting from the wrong place at all.

My code is like below:

void AMySQLConnector::BeginPlay()

	AMySQLConnector::MyServerAddress = "";
	AMySQLConnector::MyDataBase = "test";
	AMySQLConnector::MyUsername = "root";
	AMySQLConnector::MyPassword = "123456";
	FString ConnectionString = "server=;uid=root;pwd=123456;database=test";

	if (MySQLConnection.Open(nullptr, *MyServerAddress, *ConnectionString)) {
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.0f, FColor::Yellow, "Connection ready.");
		int32 id = 1;
		FString QueryString1 = "USE test";
		FString QueryString2 = "INSERT INTO ue_test(testINT) VALUES(3)";
		FDataBaseRecordSet* MySQLRecordSet;
		MySQLConnection.Execute(*QueryString1, MySQLRecordSet);

		if (MySQLConnection.Execute(*QueryString2, MySQLRecordSet)) {
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.0f, FColor::Yellow, "Execution succeeded.");
			//FString ColumnString = "mag";
			//int32 TestN = 5;
			//FString result = FString::SanitizeFloat(MySQLRecordSet->GetFloat(*ColumnString), TestN);
			//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.0f, FColor::Yellow, result);
	else {
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.0f, FColor::Yellow, "Database connection failed.");

I am 100% sure that my MySQL database is running because I can access the database using the workbench. And the password and user-id should be all right.

This can output the “connection ready” and “Execution succeeded”.
But the table in the database didn’t change. And I can access nothing in the MySQLRecordSet.

I have been confused for days. And I have to send my resume to the company in half a month. If anyone can help me, thank you very much!

Sincerely, a student who loves games very much and wants to contribute to the game industry.

Did you solve your issues?
Do you have any guesses, why I am not receiving any changes from/to the MariaDB/PostgreSQL tables, even with successfully established FRemoteDatabaseConnection and .Execute(…) returning true. This problem seems to be exactly the same as yours.
Did you found any proper docs about this plugin?