How to configure swarm agent to run in network?

If the swarm agent is configured to run in network , Can I improve the speed building static lighting data?

Hello Oscar,

Yes; if you have multiple computers on a network, you can use Swarm to have them build lighting together and potentially improve the overall time it takes to complete.

We do not currently have updated documentation for Swarm on Rocket, however you can still find most of the information you will need on the UE3 page here:

To setup for networking, you will need one machine that is running the Swarm Coordinator (found in Engine/Binaries/DotNET/SwarmCoordinator.exe). Any additional machines involved in the building will need to have their CoordinatorRemotingHost (found in the Swarm Agent - Settings) set to the first machine’s PC name or IP address.

Let us know if you need any additional help


Hope it will be useful


This is a question from the beta version of the engine. We are marking this answered for tracking purposes. If you are experiencing an issue similar to this please post a new question.

Thank you.