I have a component visualizer. That have a option to render even not selected. You can see there is a green line. The part which fallsh behind mesh becomes dashed and darker color. What is the way to render it front? “SDPG_” and other options will not work for this purpose. I tried them all.
Code for image (in my registered component visualizer class):
void FBuildingGenVisualizer::DrawVisualization(const UActorComponent* Component, const FSceneView* View,
FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI)
// Cast the incoming component to our UConnector class
const UBuildingGenActorComp* connector = Cast<const UBuildingGenActorComp>(Component);
PDI->DrawLine(Component->GetOwner()->GetActorLocation(), FVector(Component->GetOwner()->GetActorLocation().X, Component->GetOwner()->GetActorLocation().Y, Component->GetOwner()->GetActorLocation().Z + 600), FColor::Green, SDPG_NumBits, 2.0f,1.0,true);