How to Combine loads of Left eye and Right eye images from Stereo Panoramic plugin


So I have loads of left eye and right eye images I have rendered for my animation with Stereo Panoramic plugin (sp movie command). First of all, should I combine them left to right? Second, I was wondering that if there is a way for me to combine these images together using an application that would do this action with all of the images at once. I.E an application that would take the pictures of the folder (8000 images, half left eye half right eye) and combine them pair by pair .
I am trying to convert the whole thing to a 360 video , and given that the render already took ages, I wouldn’t want to do the render again. Any sort of help is appreciated .
P.S: This is my first time posting in the forums so any tips on how I could do it better would be appreciated also.

You could use a batch action in photoshop to do that probably. It depends on your UI layout, but on mine the actions tab is next to the layers tab. Just make a new action then record what you want the action to do, then once youve done it stop recording action. (These are all at the bottom of the actions panel). Then go to File>Automate>Batch and you can select you folder of images

This blogpost explains how to do that.

Check out the following tutorial for more information on how to do this in UE4.