Have simple master material, which can UV -scale -offset -rotate, but last thing with 0.5 in Lerp node - doing some weird stuff, zooming while I rotate it, how can I fix that?
Lerp 1 is fine, but than A node chain is stop working obliviously
Have simple master material, which can UV -scale -offset -rotate, but last thing with 0.5 in Lerp node - doing some weird stuff, zooming while I rotate it, how can I fix that?
Lerp 1 is fine, but than A node chain is stop working obliviously
Ahgr man it works! It was so easy, how can I forget about consistent connection ~_~ thank you a lot!)
The Lerp Node is doing A x Alpha + B x Alpha. Can you give some more insight, because I can only assume that your rotation center is always [0.5, 0.5], but when you offset your UV’s, you probably want to change the rotation center too. But I’m no wizard, so some help here would be cool! <3