How to check if game is running

I’m creating an editor plugin, and depending on whether the game is running or not I need to get either pass either an object from a level (if the game is running), or use the editor world itself.

For that reason, I need the ability to know whether we are running the game or are still in the editor.

Preprocessor directives “#if WITH_EDITOR” and the likes do not work because they tell about the build configuration, not whether we are actually in “edit-mode” or playing the game. Any advice?

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Try to get current world type from UWorld if possible.

Lot of other getter is there (like isPlayInEditor), check the doc


should return editorworld i think

Sadly I can not do that, because when in editor, trying to get the world of an object returns null.
When the game is running, I want to access the object’s world.
When it’s not running, I want to access the Editor World. I guess I could try and get the object’s world and if it returns nullptr I can just use the Editor World instead…

Just make your own node.


What does that node do?

Just returns if the game is running in the editor it not.

no answer is right!

Hey, you can access GEngine->GetWorldContexts, iterate over all the contexts and if at least one world is PIE you know at least one world is playing right now. That’s how I found it inside engine code a couple times.

One way would be to check if the object returned from GetGameInstance is valid.
It is created once the game starts, one way or another.

I know this thread is very old but the solution I found gives very precise results through the enumerator “EWorldType::Type” present in “Engine/EngineTypes.h” and you can easily extend it for PIE, Game, GamePreview …

Additionally, you can ask every UObject where it is currently running. :wink:

// Utils.h
#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "Utils.generated.h"

class TTCOMMON_API UUtils : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
	// returns true if the given 'Object' is instantiated and running in Editor Preview (e.g. Persona, AnimBP...)
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Utils", meta = (Keywords = "editor tools"))
	static bool IsRunningInEditorPreview(UObject* Object);

// Utils.cpp
#include "UUtils.h"
#include "Engine/EngineTypes.h"
bool UUtils::IsRunningInEditorPreview(UObject* Object)
  if (!Object)
    return false;

  if (auto world = Object->GetWorld())
    return world->WorldType == EWorldType::EditorPreview;

  return false;

For those arriving here looking for a solution, I have one that works well for me. For context, I needed to keep a quit confirmation canvas panel off to the side during development, but got tired of having to move it. I wrote some code to automate that, but since UI/HUD elements are set up in the PreConstruct Event, this was running my code both during gameplay and while editing. To prevent that, I simply added a check to see if the Game Instance was valid and if not, don’t move the canvas into place. Works like a charm! Now the canvas only moves home to 0,0 when the game is actually being played. You could encapsulate the logic (Get Game Instance, CastTo GameInstanceName, IsValid) into a func that would allow this to be used as a single node, but it’s already small enough to use as is I think. Here’s what it looks like. Happy coding!!!


Thanks a lot ^^

In my case all I needed to do was prevent execution from a Call In Editor event if the game isn’t running, so that my actor isn’t put into a bad state. A simple gate works perfectly, so I wanted to post this in case it’s useful to someone.
Gate using BeginPlay

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Good tip; thanks for sharing.

This is probably the intended way to go. I needed to check if something was in Editor, in Pie, or in Standlone.

So I made these 2 functions:

// Returns true if this world is any kind of editor world (including editor preview worlds)
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (WorldContext = "WorldContextObject"))
static bool CheckInEditor(UObject* WorldContextObject);

// Returns true if this world is any kind of game world (including PIE worlds)
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (WorldContext = "WorldContextObject"))
static bool CheckInGame(UObject* WorldContextObject);
bool UMyFunctionLibrary::CheckInEditor(UObject* WorldContextObject)
	return WorldContextObject->GetWorld()->IsEditorWorld();

bool UMyFunctionLibrary::CheckInGame(UObject* WorldContextObject)
	return WorldContextObject->GetWorld()->IsGameWorld();


CheckInGame returns true if at Runtime, either in PIE or Standalone.
CheckInEditor returns true if in the Editor or in PIE.

With these i can check the exact state of my game :slight_smile:
For example if I want to know if we’re in the Editor but not in PIE, CheckInGame must be false and CheckInEditor must be true.