How to check if a bone/socket is visible?

I am wondering if there is a way to determine if a bone/socket is visible and is being rendered.
I have tried to implement this using Line Trace Component: Line Trace Component | Unreal Engine Documentation (I actually want to implement this in C++ but it is easier to iterate on blueprints) but what I get as the point of impact is only a rough location of impact.

The project that I am working on is the metahuman sample project: MetaHumans in UE Feature Samples - UE Marketplace and I would like take of the sockets in the face, say “FACIAL_R_12IPV_Jawline1” and see if it is visible.

This is what I have done so far:

I get the active camera location and the desired socket location. I trace a line starting from the camera location to the socket location and check the location of impact. But the returned location and bone name of the “Line Trace Component” node is the location of the “head” which is the root socket for all sockets in the face. This is a very rough estimate of the impact location. How can I get a more precise location?