How to check brush's solidity setting?

In details panel of a brush, its solidity setting can be assigned (Solid / Semi-Solid / Non-Solid, Geometry Brush Actors in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation) but how do I know what its current setting is?

Hey Daveoh,

Brush solidity is currently not a functioning feature. We have bug reports in our system for lack of functionality as well as inability to see which setting is selected, and hope to update these items with a new geometry toolset. We do not have a timeline for this yet, but please feel free to vote for it on our Roadmap:


I was just about to file a bug report on brush solidity, interesting to note that it’s a known issue.

I’m prototyping a level using BSPs and didn’t want any collisions at all in current stage - non-solid would have been ideal for this. Looks like I’ll have to convert stuff to static meshes.

I hope Geometry 2.0 gets some love from community on trello because in current state one spends more time fiddling with BSP’s quirks and limitations than in creating an actual prototypes for one’s level!