How to change what particle is being emited

I am trying to get a different particle system to come out of an area depending on a variable. if you have any ideas on how to do this that would be great thanks.

Well it depends on what exactly you’re trying to do. Would you mind providing a bit more info or a picture so I might be able to help you better?

Well it depends on what exactly you are tryin to do as there are many ways to accomplish this. Could you provide a bit more info about what you’re going for please?

What I am trying to do is create smoke towers to show navigation points. I want them to have white smoke normaly, and red smoke when they are selected. I have the particles but I don’t know how to change them out.

So here is an example of how you could accomplish this. Create a blueprint of type actor and add a particle system component. Then set “Template” in the details panel on the right to your white smoke to start. Place it in the world. Next go into your character blueprint and use a left mouse click (not sure how else you would want to do it with) and get a hit result from whatever is under the cursor. Cast to the emitter blueprint you created to make sure that is the hit actor. Then as the emitter blueprint “Set Template” and choose your new template (which is the emitter). Here are the images for reference. And I used smoke to start and changed it to fire.

If you have more questions just ask.

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Awesome that worked! Thank you, one more thing, do you know if there is a way to make the transition more smooth. Right now it kills all the smoke and starts the red smoke, can you slowly transition from oneach to the other?

Well for that then I would suggest simply interpolating the colors rather than using two separate emitters. I will show you the blueprint for something like this. Alternatively you could stick to what you have and ask elsewhere for help as I don’t know too much about particles in terms of the spawn rate and such. One moment

I will have to get back to you tomorrow as Unreal is being problematic at the moment. I have made a video for you though so you can easily understand how to do it, if you don’t find a solution in the meantime. My apologies

Here is a link to the video for you. It was too big to upload here. I hope this helps and if not I hope you figure out the rest of what you’re trying to do.

That is PERFECT! Thank you.