How to change the selection outline transparency?


I would like to know how can I change the transparency of the yellow outline on selected objects. There is a setting in Editor Preferences for the color, but not for the transparency. It is very obstructing, especially when working with masked materials (with dithered ones it’s even worse, obviously), when the outline appears not around the geometry edge, but on alpha edges instead. Any way to change this?


Don’t know if you ever found it but in the Editor Preferences → General → Appearance → Colors → Selection Color there is a fourth value (underneath RGB) Labeled A which is the transparency value.

I want to have the selected volume highlighted with an opaque color so i can see them easier, is this possible?
Like have it look like a semi-transparent box when selected?

I want to have the selected volume highlighted with an opaque color so i can see them easier, is this possible?
Like have it look like a semi-transparent box when selected?