How to change the angle of shadows with path tracer on.

So when I have path tracer off, adjusting the time of day, north offset etc in the Ambience settings with change the angle/direction of the shadows and light source, however im having trouble making this work.

My goal is to export an image with the light coming from the left side of the screen so the shadow of trees are being cast onto the house. I am able to get the sun into a position to do so very easily without path tracer on (see attached image), however when I turn path tracer on, the light is suddenly coming from a different direction and adjusting the time of day and North offset doesn't make any difference.

Has anyone else had this problem with exterior lighting? How to manually adjust the sun/light source position with path tracer on?

If you use HDRI in PT, you can have different lighting for PT and RV in the same scene. And this is most likely happening to you. It looks like you have disabled the "Look sun to HDRI" option in the HDRI EVIRNOMENT section in the detail tab. Turn it on and use the ROTATION command to set the sun (and shadows) position you need.
