How to change Oculus Quest 2 display refresh rate with OpenXR?

I aplogize for necroing this thread, but I am quite stuck and would appreciate any pointers.
I’ve updated to 5.3.2, have the newest v62 Meta XR and Meta platform Plugins.
I’ve set it all up with the help of this guide:

But packaging was only successful after applyin this fix:

Now the app packages and runs on quest, but this is where my issue comes into play.
The main reason for migrating my project to 5.3.2 was to access the get and set Display Frequency functions.
These however, do not seem to work.
I’ve been at it for a long time, but my app, once packaged, has the limit of 72 FPS.
It would doubtlessly run higher, but it is capped. Before I resubmit it was requested to increase it to 80, but my every attempt has failed.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!