I am trying to change the material of my blueprint class instances individually but when I change the material of one via a loop through all my instances, it changes the material of all of them. These objects are being created when the level loads. Is there a way I can make the instances specify only themselves when changing their material? I know it’s because they are all tied to the same static mesh, but does that mean I need to make more static meshes so they will all have their own? I’m not sure which would be better or more efficient
So I made multiple static meshes and put them in an array. The meshes are of the same thing. I told my blueprint class to add a static mesh component. I have a function that takes the component, the path of the image that I want it to have and the static mesh and creates another material. Even though I made sure everything thing about the static component was different they all still have the same material after it’s done running! Am I doing something wrong?