The command to change to FOV has changed a little bit since the original Oculus DK1. There’s now separate horizontal and vertical FOVs that you have to set.
To tweak it at runtime in the console, you have to first enable developer mode:
And then you can set the horizontal and vertical FOVs with:
Please be careful with those though! The FOV is read from the SDK because it is tied to the physical geometry of the device. You stand a very high chance of making people sick if you mess with it too much.
Whoops, looks like there was a bug in there as well preventing it from taking. If you change the following lines in your OculusRiftHMD.cpp, and recompile, you should be able to change the FOV at will:
Eventually, yes it will be fixed in main. We’re in the middle of a larger refactor to make all those settings much more consistent between devices, and it will be wrapped up in there.
After enabling the OCULUS DEV ON, I get a white screen every time I want to preview VR. So I would not recommend using this. Using 4.7.6. Relaunching the project doesn’t help. Is there any other way to change the field of view? Many thanks
Have these console commands changed at all since this posting? They don’t seem to be recognized anymore but I am trying to do some runtime FOV changes as well.