I wanted to scale my text when localized in Russian and German.
There is an option scaling factor and cultures in the Font-asset I created.
It is sais that “Optional semi-colon separated list of cultures that this sub-font should be used with (if specified, this sub-font will be favored by those cultures and ignored by others)” - and when I used cultures (ru-RU;de-DE) - the scale doesn’t change.
If I leave this place empty - then russian text scaled to 0,6, german stays the same.
So there is questions:
What am I doing wrong? probably the names of the cultures should be written somehow dirrefently? But I tried many variants (ru, de, RU-ru, DE-de, Russian, German etc)
Suggestion: option “cultures” doesn’t support scaling factor? But why it’s there? Only for using special characters? Then why without cultures scaling works? Bug?
Is there any other way to scale font automatically without setting manually in each widget scaling depending on culture?
use the names of cultures - russian text big
use no names - russian text scaled small