This is probably a question with a simple answer but I’m new to UE and have been searching how to figure it out for a while now. I’ve created a Boolean variable in my C++ actor, but I don’t know what object to use for my cast function.
so, you have two different actors, that are completely independent of each other. How is the Tester in blueprint supposed to know of the existence of any of the MyActors ?
I’m making some assumptions as to your intent. I’m assuming that you are wanting an actor to be able to check if another actor is of a specific base class.
You are not passing a value to the ‘object’ parameter to be checked. You need to obtain a value to pass to the ‘object’ parameter to be tested.
Without further information we can’t determine what it is you are trying to achieve.
Thank you for the answers, I watched the video Roy sent and it helped a lot. What I did was use the function, Get Actor Of Class and that allowed me to get the variables from my C++ actor.