I have a C++ class that exposes an instance of UFastNoiseWrapper:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="Test")
TObjectPtr<UFastNoiseWrapper> Noise;
Noise = CreateDefaultSubobject<UFastNoiseWrapper>(TEXT("Noise"));
UFastNoiseWrapper uses functions rather than properties to change its state, since it’s just a wrapper for the actual noise generator.
I derived a Blueprint from my c++ class that exposes the UFastNoiseWrapper and named it BP_MyNoise. In BP_MyNoise I can see the UFastNoiseWrapper object in the details panel for Class Defaults, but how do I now access that object from within e.g. the construction script in order to call its functions?
I need to edit the same instance rather than just doing something like using a “Construct Fast Noise Wrapper” node, because the goal is to then use the same object in the C++ code for various things, like world generation.