How to build/compile ue4 c++ project from Codelite IDE

Hi i’m using linux and codelite for c++ in my UE4 projects.
When I compile form UE4 Editor everything is ok.
Problem occurs when I what to compile/build from IDE (codelite).
Whatever option i run it compiles/builds whole UE4 Editor from source. It take to muche time.

I don’t know what option too use from codelite.
I tried “Build > Build workspace”, “Build > Project”, “Right mouse button on project > Build”, “Right mouse button on project > Project only > Build”.
Every option build whole ue4 editor with that project.

Not sure what configuration you using but this is what im using in project settings in custom compiles:


X:\UE4\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat MyProjectEditor Win64 Debug “X:\UE4\Projects\MyProject.uproject” -waitmutex


X:\UE4\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Clean.bat MyProjectEditor Win64 Debug “X:\UE4\Projects\MyProject.uproject” -rocket


X:\UE4\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Rebuild.bat MyProjectEditor Win64 Debug “X:\UE4\Projects\MyProject.uproject” -rocket

Replace paths with right stuff and “MyProject” to your project name, you can also replace Debug with Devlopment if you wish (but i recomad oyu Debug for C++ devlopment), but keep in mind if you swap this you will build engine with that configuration too. If you compile engine from source, the project build includes engine building too, so you don’t need to add engine codelite project, build engine toghther with your poject, when you got engine build other project should redpect that to, i don’t think there way around this.

Remeber that what is in IDE is meaningless to UBT, it will build based on file system not whats in IDE. “-rocket” option should prevent engine from delete when you clean or rebuild (but i’m not sure if it works still?), build will skip everything that is unchanged, including engine it self.

Btw using command above you can practically use any IDE or text editor that supports custom compiler or command executions… you don’t need to use text editor at all too. Just remeber that regardless of that you still need VS compiler installed

Also extra hint, you want debuging without VS there somethign called “windbg”, download Windows SDK, select download option in installed, download only debugging tools and from there will be debug tools installer which will install windbg.

OK, I understand now.
I was lacking in knowledge of build system and build configuration.
In essential editor must be recompiled (sometimes partly, first time) when game build configuration changes (eg from development to debug).
