Hi, I’m suffering from one scenario, and looking forward to your suggestion!
My scenario: I have a high density BIM model (~50K static meshes), 2 miles-long tunnel. I need to load it in UE4 and visualize all pieces. So 1) I could not merge it (need interact with each mesh, also due to model complexity, merge fails); 2) I could not use world composition (need see it as a whole).
So I turned to async loading stream levels using blueprint, but it takes a long long time! (over 2 mins). After full loading, it occupies about 4GB vRAM. I digged some, and guess the bottleneck maybe: 1) UObject dynamic creation (50K meshes => 50K Actors). Friends tell me Unity is powerful to create more Objects benefiting from ECS architecture. 2) Loading too many geomery data.
So for this scenario, do you have any clues to optimize? Thank you.