How to blend more than 2 material functions?

I am trying to blend 3 material functions together, to get a result like i had blended 3 materials together, but without having to break the material attributes first, or having to set the landscape output node to Blend Mode: translucent which gives undesired results.

I have this blueprint
in this example everything works perfectly and to be expected until i add in the third material function, at that point, all works fine, but it only shows me the bottom layers Dirt/Rock. as soon as i punch any values into the constants on the second world aligned blend, the material turns to grey checkerboard. At this point if i go to the layer output node and change the blend mode to translucent, it works, but when zooming in and out from the landscape i get blurring like im flying to space/stars and the material itself has a much much darker result.

I tried mutiple different blending options, im sure i probably just picked the wrong one.
I am trying to get this material, to work like this example, but without all the extra mess, because if i have to go this route i will be making A LOT of steps, as ill have to lerp between each set of nodes to get a complete result.

Can anyone give me any ideas on how to recieve the same results i get from the second screenshot, but in a way that makes more sense like in the first screen shot? Or a way to blend the material functions together that i did not realize? please and thank you!

I feel like UE4 is getting mad at me about the normals. If use MatLayerBlend_standard, i get 0 results just a grey checkerboard no matter whether i pick Translucent or Opaque blending mode on the output node.

Unlike the MatLayerBlend_Simple, which works, albeit not quite the way i like, as long as i set it to translucent, However, if i open the blueprint for MatLayerBlend_Simple, and lerp the Normal as well
I get the same grey check-tile result.

I just plopped all 3 functions into one function and blended them there, then added the functions all back together in a material with a landscape layer blend.

Again, how did you blend three materials instead of two? One photo, please?