I have about 10 different parameters in my material, and I can achieve multiple different looks by changing those parameters in relation to one another. Let’s say I have two different looks to my material. How would I switch (or ideally blend) between the two sets of parameters to hop between each look? Is there a material function similar to a static switch that I can use? I had looked into material parameter collections as well, but they only seem to control one parameter at a time. Would I have to create two copies of the material graph and interpolate between the two?
If anyone knows a handy way to accomplish this, I am all ears.
I’m thinking that might be best, but what would that look like? Would each parameter need an interp node? Or would I be able to blend the whole sets with a single interp node?
Oh nice. This is really close to the solution I’m looking for! If I could ask one more thing, what if each set had something like 8 parameters? As far as I know 4 floats is the highest number of floats that the nodes can work with.
Ok, I think I was able to get pretty close. I realized that I could just use the same float parameter to power the alpha of two (or more) different lerp nodes.