Hello! It’s my first post here, but I usually read the forum to get answers to my doubts.
Could you help me with this one? I’m trying to switch on/off a light with a checkbox.It works, but I also want to bind the visibility to save the checkbox value. I’ve tried itmany times with a Boolean but it doesn’t work because there’s something wrong in my blueprints.
Thank you so much.
The problem that I can see is that you don’'t have an input into the branches, so they will always return the same value. Instead of binding the value (i am assuming that you are using the “bind” option in the designer tab), I would recommend on event Construct, drag in the checkbox and from that, use “Assign On Checkbox Clicked” (I’m not certain what the exact node name is, but it is something similar to that). From the custom event, simply drag off and run the function you already have, using the checked state as the input.
First of all thank you for the answer.
I’ve disabled the bind of the checkbox value in the desing tab, as you recommend. I’ve connected the “Assing CheckedStateChanged” node to Event Construct. In “Assing CheckedStateChanged”, in the Event pin which reference I’ve to connect?
Thank you so much for your help, I’m a bit lost.
Sorry about my english.
All right, here is a screenshot of what the setup should look like. If you need more detail, like always, let me know.
Make sure you don’t forget to connect the input of the branch to the IsChecked!
I’ve been trying but I still don’t understand how to do it. Could you give me more details, please? I thank you it so much.
Wich is this Custom event? How do I create it? Could you zoom out to see all the graph?
I promise you I’m trying it, I don’t want to seem that I’m not working on it.
Thank you.
Hi , i am very sorry for the late reply. I didn’t have any time to check my emails until now. As i am on holiday now, i do not have any access to unreal engine, but if i am not too late and you still need the help, i will be back home by February, and i will go through this I more detail. Sorry again, kit kat.
Light On/Off UI Project Download Link
I made a project for you to see how it works and implement it in your own project. It should mostly be self-explanatory, and should solve your problem. If you have any questions, please let me know; If it works, please accept my answer 