How to bake lighting to base color texture without lightmaps?

Is there a way to bake the lighting to the base color texture without using lightmaps?

For example, I have a simple scene with the directional and sky light.
And there is a Plane static mesh with the Lit material (BaseColor texture, roughness, specular, and normal maps) applied to it.

How to bake this material with lighting information to the single base color texture?

not possible in unreal. you could export the mesh and rebuild the scene and lighting in a modelling tool and bake it. i know blender can do that. no sure if maya could do it too. i never baked in it.

a lil cheat to get the lighting environment replicated would be to use a scene capture cube in place of the mesh and export the longlat hdr.

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Thank you for the scene capture cube trick advice! :+1:

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